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>> Monday, March 28, 2011

Eight Things I Couldn't Live Without...

#1 God. I know it's cliche-ish, but for me its really true. Without His comfort and love I'd be curled up in a ball rocking myself like a crazy person. He truly is my first "Dad," and everything I have is because He gave it to me!

#2 Obviously my family. My parents, sisters, my babe, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins...the whole shebang. I also consider a few of my great friends my family. You all fit into this category! I'd be nothing without you.

#3 My pets...I truly am the biggest animal lover. I cry during the ASPCA Sarah McLachlan commercials..EVERYT TIME. I can't really visit animal shelters or I wind up taking somebody home..which is how I got my two great gals Lexi and Jugee (don't ask about the name, I can't explain lol). No matter how bad my day is, the fact that they are ALWAYS happy to see me can't help but brighten my day!

#4 Mapquest. I think you can figure that one out.

#5 My running shoes.
#6 My Canon T1i...ahhh, I'm not so secretly in love with it and its magnificent pictures.
#7 Diet Soda...I've tried, oh how I've tried to give you up you filthy habit, but you keep sucking me back in.

#8 My Ipod (nicknamed the Baddest IPOD alive) and for damn good reason. If you're interested I'll let you have a listen.
And that's pretty much it! Those are the essentials. To be honest, it was really difficult thinking about actual items that I couldn't live without...all of the "things" I listed I could truly give up and be ok, as long as I have God, friends and family, and of course...my pets lol.

What are some things you guys couldn't live without?? Inquiring minds want to know :-)


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