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Amateur Topics of Interest.

FOOD. animals. Books, television, and film. Education. Photography. Running. Fashion. Music. Travel. Home Design and Decor. Religion. Finance.

"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."

>> Sunday, April 10, 2011

Seven Things That Cross Your Mind Alot

Ok ok, so I know I haven't been keeping up with my ten days of blogging, I admit it, I'm terrible. But right now it seems that I have a little downtime, as I've been pretty dang worthless all weekend due to "too much fun syndrome" aka having one too many cocktails. So I'm taking it easy, munchin' on some magical mcnuggets of goodness that my sweet boyfriend went and got for me, and I'm posted up in bed...ready to write and roll!

So today's topic is seven things that cross your mind alot...I'm sure I can list more than seven, but for the sake of being concise, I'll narrow it down.

1. My future.
Honestly, for me, right now, the most important thing I've got going for me is getting into my program, and starting (and finishing) it as soon as humanly possible. It's truly taken me so long to finally figure out what it is that I think I want to do with the rest of my life, and I'm so antsy to already be done with it! I go through these little bouts of craziness when I realize how old I am, and where I thought I'd be at this age. In all honesty, I thought I'd be married, maybe have a kiddo on the way, doing Athletic Training, own a home...you know, living the American Dream :-) ...And I couldn't be further away from that picture right now, but I wouldn't trade where I am and the people I have in my life right now for the world. I'm finally doing what I WANT rather than what I think I SHOULD be doing. I'm with the right person. And I'm taking my time. There is no perfect timetable, a plan that everyone has to follow. Married by 25, kids by 28, house by 30...yada yada yada. Trust me, I still have those days of panic when I think life is passing me by, but as John Lennon once said "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." You can't always be planning the future, or you'll forget to enjoy the present.

2. Food.
I love food. I'm either thinking about what I want to make next week, brainstorming my grocery list, eating, thinking about when I'm going to get to eat next, cooking, thinking about what I'm going to cook that night, or wishing I was eating. Food is a big part of my life as I learn to enjoy cooking, and making things that look and taste delicious. I enjoy the challenge, and I like sharing my creations with the people I love.

3. The great to run or not to run debate.
As I've mentioned in previous blogs, I love running. With that said, it can sometimes require A LOT of effort to continue to run consistently. When I'm pressed for time, running late, or have a lot of things to get done, surprise surprise, running is usually the first thing that gets cut from my to-do list. I do most of my running during the week on my lunch break. With school, and work, and homework, and just trying to find some time to relax, I don't have much expendable time or energy during the day. There are times when everyone wants to go out to lunch, and I can't go because I have to run. Of course I'd much rather be stuffing my face then dragging myself around the block in the sweltering heat, but as hard as it always is to get going, the feeling I get when I finish my run for the day is irreplaceable. It's a constant battle of to go or not to go, but you can almost always count on me lacing up those kicks and trudging on.

4. I wish I was sleeping.
Well, I think this one is pretty self explanatory. From the moment I wake up in the morning you can bet I'm already thinking about how awesome its going to be when I get to go to sleep again. I loveeee sleeeepppp. Almost to the point that I could develop anti-social tendencies just because sometimes I'd rather sleep than go out. Nothing beats the feeling of waking up refreshed and ready to go. And if I don't get at least 7 hours a night, I'm gonna be cranky. You can count on that.

5. Did someone take Lexi out?
I mean, its nothing super exciting, but I'm just being honest. My dog Lexi is like my child. I love her. Talk to her even. Force her to wear ridiculous garb and then take pictures of her. She's my shadow. Soooo, if I'm not taking her outside to go to the bathroom, I'm constantly wondering if any of my other apartment mates remembered to take her out. I mean imagine how you'd feel if you had to hold it in all day?

6. I hope Jeff's ok.
My boyfriend works long hours, very late at night, so I'm constantly worried that he's alright. He gets off late, and then has to drive about 15 minutes home, on the same road that could be filled with crazies at that time of night...so like clockwork, I usually wake up and check to make sure he made it safely home. I can't help it, I have this need to know that the people I love are safe and sound. It's weird. =-)

7. I love my friends and family.
So I know this is a pretty generic thought, but I don't necessarily have one or two people that I'm always thinking about. It's more like throughout the day my mom will pop into my head, or my sisters, or my dad, or this friend, or that friend. I'll wonder how they're doing, what they're doing, and hope that they know I love them. Thoughts of them are also usually accompanied by the thought that I'd much rather be with them then doing whatever it is I'm doing at the moment!

So those are the seven things that cross my mind alot. Nothing to special, no real deep musings on the origin of life or anything like that. When it comes down to it, I'm a pretty simple person (no, not simple minded!). I think this list is truly a brief glimpse into the things that are most important to me. Like sleep. food. family...and well, you get the picture.


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