The Zen of Running
>> Sunday, February 20, 2011
I honestly do love running. When I'm not running consistently (we're talking 3-4 times a week) I feel what I would describe as just simple unease. Yes, I'm naturally fidgety. But a non-running Jess is fidgety times a billion. I'm also naturally anal-retentive..about a lot of things. But a non running Jess is Type A to the mizzax. I organize trash receptacles. Touch the doornob three times before turning off the light. Have my pantry alphabetized and color coordinated. It can get REAL bad.
A RUNNING Jess on the other hand, is happier. Healthier. More confident. More organized (in a good way). Easier to handle. Calm (or at least calm-ER). Now I don't know about all of that endorphin induced runner's high hokey pokey that people talk about. I, for one, have yet to experience that. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've had good runs...great runs even! The type where you zone out, and before you know it..POOF you ran 7 miles and you feel great! But that happens, hmmm...lets say, once in a blue moon. For the most part, I'm that runner who is trudging in the face...sweating profusely..can't talk (so don't bother trying to ask me a question)...have to have my IPOD or I'll die...just trying to make it through. I AM NOT A PRETTY RUNNER. But it does make me feel prettier..does that make sense?
Anyways, enough of my little rant on running. The bottom line is I am a runner. Not a jogger. Not a walker. Not even a professional speed walker. I run. I will always run. It keeps me sane, and for that you should all thank running.
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