Queen for a Day.
>> Saturday, February 26, 2011

One of the main reasons I've never had such a treat is that I'm cheap.
Seriously, I'm cheap. I prefer the words frugal, maybe thrifty, cost efficient, or perhaps financially savvy, but when it all boils down to it, I just prefer to hoard my small amount of income on the off chance that some disaster may occur, like say the end of the world or a hostile zombie takeover. You just never know.
Remaining true to my frugality, of course I didn't buy this spa day package for myself! My wonderful boyfriend did a pretty fan-freakin-tastic job this Christmas and got me the day of pampering as my gift, and boy did he get brownie points for this one :) The deal included the choice of either a one hour swedish massage or facial, and a manicure and pedicure at the Anthony Aveda Spa here in Corpus Christi. Seeing as how I just got done running my race this past weekend, I thought the massage would do just the trick for my sore "dogs".
I must say, kudos to J.R. my masseuse for his wonderful healing hands. I'm not a "relaxer" by nature, so of course my hour long massage was filled with entertaining chit-chat with J.R., who I discovered was quite the jack-of-all-trades. An LMT, a chef, a surfer, a world traveler, a frisbee golfer, and a shark bite attack survivor. Man, its amazing what somebody will tell you when you're 7/8 naked with them, crammed into a tiny, dark room filled with scented candles, and zen chakra music playing in the background. All in all though, the experience was pretty dang amazing, and I tip my hat to J.R. and his healing hands!

I finished up my spa day with an hour long manicure AND an hour long pedicure! I've had a few pedicures at the local mall nail place that I thought were pretty fantastical, but nothing compared to what Jessica, my nail lady did for me at Anthony Aveda. Paraffin. Lengthy massage. Salt scrubs. Full Body wraps done with 100 dollar bills. Well not really, but that's sure what it felt like. I was absolutely pampered. :)
But *sigh*, all good things must come to an end, and unless you're rollin' in moolah, then weekly spa treatments just aren't in the picture. I do, however, highly suggest that all you ladies (and what they hay, guys too) get out there and go take yourself a mental health day, and get treated like the Queen (and King) of Sheba that you are. It sure was good while it lasted.
You did good, babe.
(A good shot of my manicure, while I'm reaching for Sam's booty lol)
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