Ghost Hunting!
>> Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Bucket List Alert!!
It's finally happening! I'm slowly chipping away item by item at my hefty bucket list, and the next feat up for conquering is staying the night at a haunted hotel!! Spooookkkkyyyy!
My mom, who you could say is probably this blogs number one follower (thanks mom for faithfully reading lol), mentioned to me after reading my bucket list entry that she wanted to help me accomplish something on my list, and to my surprise it turned out to be staying the night in a haunted hotel. Initially, it began as something I was going to do with my sisters, and now Mom has agreed to join our motley crew on a mission of utmost paranormal importance!

As a kid, I was always fascinated by anything and everything ghost related. I'd watch scary shows or movies by myself before bed, glued to the tv, constantly looking over my shoulder or out the window to catch somebody or something staring back at me. Of course, I'd immediately have to follow anything spooky up with my favorite VHS of My Little Ponies or CareBears, but dagnabit, I'd make it through every second of Tales from the Crypt. Living out in the middle of nowhere pretty much, I was the one who convinced my little sister that we lived on an Indian burial ground, and that unless she wanted to be hunted down and scalped by our land's previous inhabitants, she better spit on that old fence post and run like she'd never run before. Or those ghosts were gonna get her. She owed them that penance of spittle. Or by gosh, they'd come to collect, and it would either be her Pokemon Pikachu card...or her life.
I was an odd kid.
With that said, I've never really lost my fascination with the otherworldly, and after my mom mentioned she was gonna make this dream a reality, I immediately got to searching for the perfect place to spend our "NIGH OF TERROR" in, as I have so fondly come to call it. I've done a little internet research, as well as gathered some reviews and suggestions by others who have taken on this little dare. And we will be staying at...drum roll please....

The Faust Hotel in New Braunfels, TX. Now, I don't want to spoil the follow up blog post, when I spill all the dirty details of our delightfully frightening stay, but I'll fill you in on few tidbits about the place. The Faust is a national historic landmark, located in the small german town of New Braunfels, just outside of both Austin and San Antonio. The hotel was originally begun in 1929, just two weeks before the stock market crash, and has since survived on into this day and age. Currently, the hotel retains its period decor, with minimal upgrades to provide for guest comfort, which is one of the reasons I chose it. I didn't want to stay in what was supposed to be a haunted hotel, surrounded by modern decor, and flat screens, and all that jazz. I wanted it to feel authentic! Part of the fun is setting the ambience, and letting your mind play tricks on you, and I just don't think I could do that surrounded by minimalist furniture and bottles of Evian.
Anywhooo, the hotel has been rumored to be haunted by several ghosts, including but not limited to a previous owner who likes to play tricks on guests, a naughty bar ghost, a man dressed in period clothing, and a little girl nicknamed "Christine." All with mostly harmless MOs, aimed at providing playful antics. Except for the one ghost that pushed someone down the stairs, killing them instantly.
JUST KIDDING. But wouldn't that be cool?!
So, that's just a little teaser/trailer for the cool blog to come soon! Our hotel is booked for the weekend of May 7th, and yes I requested the scariest room on the scariest floor of the hotel, I mean we gotta do it big right?? I'll be strapped with my camera all night long, wishing I had some other cool paranormal activity gear other than my own two eyes and ears...but I guess they'll have to suffice.

Has anyone ever had a ghostly experience themselves? If so, please share! Let's help set the mood for this otherworldy overnight expedition...
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