The Five People You Meet in Heaven
>> Thursday, April 14, 2011
Man, I'm totally NOT holding up my end of the bargain on this ten days of blogging thing, am I?
My sincerest apologies, all 24 of my dedicated blog readers.
Today's topic is 5 people who really mean a lot to you, and for me this is so difficult! I have quite a few people in my life that really mean a lot to me, and its very VERY difficult to narrow it down to just five, so rather than pick and choose, I've narrowed it down by a few groups of people that mean a lot to me.
My parents) This is a no brainer. My parents brought me into this world, and for that I owe life. Everything I am today is because of them. I've taken the good and incorporated it into my own life, and also seen what not to do (sorry mom and dad) and changed myself for the better. As I grow older, I see more and more how difficult it is to raise a child, and how much I took for granted as a wee sassy, slightly spoiled youngster. Thanks for putting up with me guys. :-)
My sisters) My sisters are like built in best friends that HAVE to love you. They have no choice. I couldn't have been blessed with two better sisters, and I'm lucky to have been given the job of "big" sister. All those days I played house with Sam when I was technically too "old" to play anymore. Showing Alex all the cool un-lady like things to do. It's been a great experience, and I can't wait to see what's ahead for us as we all make our own families, and create memories together. Love you guys.
My BABE!) I've gotta say I'm truly the luckiest girl. It's taken me a while to get to this point, but I feel like now that I'm/we're here, I've never been happier. Don't get me wrong, life's not perfect, and some days are harder than others when you're with someone, but when you're in it for the long haul, you work through it, and you always come out on the other side. I honestly don't know where I'd be without my special someone, and I can't wait to see what happens for us next!

My friends) Obviously, all of the friends I've made and kept along the way are important to me! They've all touched my life and changed me in some way, and I couldn't be more blessed to have those people in my life. I've got my best friends, Sara and Heather..two friends I got know in college, and have had in my life ever since! They're some of the first people I call with news..good news, bad news...advice, venting, crying, laughing. They're amazing. In addition to my "besties," I've met some great friends through work and play down here in Corpus, as well as at my previous job in Kerrville. I've also got a group of lifelong friends from grad school that I still keep in touch with via "life update" emails, and others from undergrad. I'm truly blessed when it comes to the friend category!

My grandpa) I'm not going to say much about him, but my Papa Fennon was one of the most amazing men I have ever known. He's passed away, but I still miss him every day and wish I could see him and talk to him all the time. When my family went through rough times, he was there. He took care of us. Anything we needed, he'd do everything he could to get it for us. He loved us, and we loved him unconditionally. I can't wait to get to see him again one day, and I live every day to make him proud.
So there you have it folks! The five people in my life that mean the most to me. Ok, I know I know, I didn't really narrow it down, but when you have so many great people in your life, how are you supposed to choose??
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