It's the end of the world as we know it..
>> Sunday, March 13, 2011
Ok, I'm officially freaked the F#$% out. If you know me at all, you're probably well aware of my somewhat irrational fear and slight obsession with the end of the world. Now don't get me wrong, I don't know if I believe all the mumbo jumbo about 2012 or aliens or all that jazz, but the fact is I'm consumed with being afraid of it. I mean, I get legitimately panicky when I think about it, and I, for one, blame the media.
Movies like 2012, The Day After Tomorrow, and Knowing have affected me in a very personal way. I'm a scientific creature by nature. I need facts. I need evidence in order for me to usually be persuaded, and these movies all focus on the end of days as a result of science (in however vague a way). Uncontrollable shifts in weather, climate, cosmic occurences...these movies use those ideas in order to dictate how the end will all play out as a result of freak climactic changes. To me, this is a very plausible hypothesis of things that could very well occur at any time in our future.
As I hear more and more about the devastating natural disasters that occur around the globe (and whose influence reaches far and wide), I become exceedingly anxious about what this means. Flooding and Cyclones in Australia? Massive earthquakes and tsunamis around the world? Predictions of solar flares? Shifts in the earth's pole? New suns affecting climate? The alignment of the cosmos in such a way that the Earth will inevitably be affected? I mean, honestly, to me, its heartbreaking to see a culture or a country be so completely crushed by nature that their infrastructure and way of life may never be the same. To put it in perspective, its like seeing the United States without California attached anymore (which according to scientists is not altogether implausible). To me, it's inconceivable.
Now, don't get me wrong I'm not obsessed in that weird way. The kind where I have a giant clock counting down the days left. I haven't yet cashed in all my assets and built a bomb shelter. But I think the main thing that scares me is the idea that IF scientists, or the Mayans, or whoever, are correct in their assumptions, then what's the point? Why I am I going back to school? Why do I worry about bills, or the future, or anything having to do with adhering to societal expectations? If the world is going to end, shouldn't I just have fun, look after myself, and live life to the fullest? And the answer is, I don't know.
I keep plugging away, planning for a future on this planet, with the people I love, because to be honest you just never know. Nobody does. Not the scientists with their unfathomable equations. Not the Mayans. Not Hollywood. Now this might not sit well with everyone, (and if it doesn't, well then just don't read my blog, I could care less) but I believe in something bigger than us all. Call it God, or whatever you'd like, but I truly believe that nobody can know the end except Him. And He instructs us to live our lives so that in the end, we will all go where we belong. Some people call religion "the opiate of the masses", and they may be right, but I know for a fact I'd rather embrace this idea and take comfort in it all of my life and be wrong in the end, then the opposite.
WHEW! I got off on a little tangent there. I told you guys not all my posts would be lighthearted, and food related, didn't I?? There are deep things up here in this head of mine, and from time to time I may let some of those ideas out, just so you don't become fully convinced that all I care about is clothes, or eating, or running. There's a little bit more to me than that! Just to reiterate, I'm not crazy lol. I'm not convinced that the end of the world is iminent. Not at all. I'm just by nature, a worrier. I worry that I'm not living up to my potential, and that I'm not fulfilling my calling. But doesn't everyone from time to time?

In the meantime, as the Earth keeps on spinning, the sun continues to rise in the east and set in the west, and the stars come out each night, I'll gently remind myself to "Keep Calm and Carry On." It's not the end of the world as we know it....yet.
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