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Inside the Cool Kids Studio

>> Sunday, January 23, 2011

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I've come up with the best. idea. ever. I can't tell you how many times I'd sat down to try and begin thislittle adventure in blogland, and just plain didn't do it. Now I can't imagine not having this forum for creative self expression. For me, it's relaxing..I have something to say, so I say it...sometimes it's funny, sometimes it falls flat on its face, and sometimes it attempts to be thought provoking, but in the end, it's always me. So my original thought was why not give other people the opportunity to sample what its like to write a blog. But like a one-night stand blog--one time, no strings attached, and you don't have to call me in the morning. Perfect right?

Now hands down, I know some of THE coolest people inthe world. Through my travels for school, work, and play I've made lifelong friends that are located throughout the country--I mean, the best of the best. I've done some hard recruiting--phone calls, texts, promises of cars, endorsements by Nike, the works...and I've lined up what would resemble a guest list on "Inside the Cool Kids Studio" hosted by James Lipton. But not stupid James Lipton. James Lipton circa Will Ferrell, dirty stache and all.

So now begins the era of the "guest blog." From time to time, one of my fabulous friends will submit a blog about whatever the William Shatner they want to write about. And it will be fantastic. Think of it like Sh@# my dad says...but better. Welcome to "Sh#$ my friends say." Prepare to have your minds blown.


Unknown January 26, 2011 at 3:24 PM  

who else is gonna do it???????? yay!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown January 26, 2011 at 3:27 PM  

ps. are you still cooking turkey meatballs or what

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